
Greetings Parents!
By now, you've probably heard about this newfangled thing in schools called the Common Core State Standards. You've probably also heard that there are a lot of people in America who are pretty uptight about it. So what is Common Core anyway? And why all the fuss about it? Why should parents even care? Rather than write you an explanatory essay about it, I've supplied the links below so that you can see for yourselves. What? You didn't expect me to just tell you the answers, did you? :) 


1. Common Core State Standards Website

2. Oregon Department of Education

3Common Core State Standards: Elementary School


1. The Federalist: Top Ten Things Parents Hate About Common Core

2. Story-Killers: How the Common Core Destroys Minds and Souls by Terrence O. Moore

3. The Washington Post: Eight problems with Common Core Standards

I hope that you found these links helpful in understanding the pros and cons of Common Core. Above all, I believe in the parents' right to choose when and how their children are educated. This is why I tried to ensure that both sides of the debate were accurately represented on this page: so that you could decide for yourselves where you stand on Common Core State Standards. 

Let me hear from you! Please post your conclusions, concerns, and/or suggestions in the comments sections below.

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